Merge sort explained with simple example

Merge sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithm, which works on Divide and Conquer algorithm. In this sorting algorithm, input data is divided into two halves/sublist which then acts as input data and furthur divided into two halves so that finally every sublist contains a single element. Finally, these sublists are merged in sorted order which results into sorted data.

1) Simple algorithm and hence efficient for small list of data.
2) Good for sorting data represented in Linked list.
3) This algorithm is stable (performance is equal in all cases) and insensitive to the distribution of initial data.

1) Extra space needed in O(n).


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Sorting algorithms explained in simple manner

Sorting is an operation in computer science via which data is being arranged in an ordered sequence. There are lots of efficient algorithms are already present to perform sorting operation which we are going to discuss here.

Some of the most used sorting algorithms are as follows:

1) Bubble Sort
2) Insertion Sort
3) Merge Sort
4) Selection Sort
5) Quick Sort
6) Heap Sort

Comparison of various Sorting algorithms in terms of time complexity for best and worst case:


Sorting algorithms explained in simple manner Read More