Difference between Copy constructors and Assignment operator

Copy constructor is a special kind of constructor which initializes an object using another object. Compiler always provides a default copy constructor but if needed it can be over-ridden by programmer to meet the requirements.

Assignment operator is basically assigning the new values to already created object. In this case object initialization doesn’t happen as it is already done.

For eg:

class Base{

Base b1;
Base b2 = b1; /* Copy constructor as initialization also needs to done */
Base b3;
b3 = b2; /* Assignment operator as object is already created */
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Difference between Constructors and Destructors


Constructors are special member functions of a class which is used to initialize the object in desired way. Constructors has the same name as that of class. There could be multiple constructors defined in a class which could be selected based on invoking conditions.

Types of constructor

  • Default constructor – Any constructor without argument is called default constructor.
  • Parameterized constructor – Any constructor in which argument can be passed is called Parameterized constructor.
  • Copy constructor – This is a special kind of constructor which uses an existing object to create a new object.


Destructor is a special member function of a class which is used to delete the object. Destructor also has the same name as that of class prefixed with “~” sign. In any class, one could define only one destructor. Destructor doesn’t take any argument.

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Introduction to C++11

In August 2011, a new C++ version which is known as C++11 is approved by ISO which adds a lot of new set of features to existing C++ programming language. All official documents related to these changes can be found at ISO C++ committee website.

Why C++11 ?

C++11 significantly improved the core C++ language by making several additions to its standard libraries. Major areas where C++11 is improved from its predecessor includes multithreading support, uniform initialization, generic programming support and performance.

Aims of C++11

  1.  Compatibility and Stability MUST be maintained for old code written in C++98,C++03 and in C.
  2.  Extension of core language preferably be done via standard library.
  3.  System and library design method is preferred compared to introducing new features which is useful only for specific applications.
  4.  Focus to improve type safety by providing safer methods to earlier unsafe methods.
  5.  Improve performance and better interaction with hardware to ensure better,safe and high performance embedded system programming.
  6.  Make C++ easier to teach and learn through increased uniformity, stronger guarantees, and facilities better libraries for beginners. Expert programmers can use other efficient features.
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