A minimum heap is a binary tree which has following properties:
- Binary tree MUST be a complete binary tree which means all leaf nodes are present in either at height “h” or “h-1”.
- Key stored in each node is smaller than or equal to keys in the node’s children.
Before going ahead have a look into Binary Tree.
Below are some examples of Minimum Heap.

Minimum Heap Implementation
Let’s have a look into Minimum Heap Implementation.
Minimum Heap Class Implementation
Let’s have a look into the basic class definition of Minimum Heap Class.
class PriorityQueue
int m_size;
int get_parent (int child_node_id);
int left_child (int parent_id);
int right_child (int parent_id);
PriorityQueue ();
int get_size ();
void insert (int data);
bool isEmpty ();
int find_minimum ();
int delete_minimum ();
void percolate_down (int hole);
void percolate_up (int hole);
void print_content ()
for (int i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
std::cout << m_data[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
Let’s look into some of the Helper functions of Minimum Heap Class.
/* Constructor */
PriorityQueue::PriorityQueue (): m_size(0)
/* Return current size of the Heap */
int PriorityQueue::get_size ()
return m_size;
/* Return parent node index of a given node,
* In case of root node, this will return -1 */
int PriorityQueue::get_parent (int child_node_id)
if (child_node_id <= 0 || child_node_id >= m_size)
return -1;
return (child_node_id - 1)/2;
/* Return left child index of a node */
int PriorityQueue::left_child (int parent_id)
int left = 2 * parent_id + 1;
if (left >= m_size)
return -1;
return left;
/* Return right child index of a node */
int PriorityQueue::right_child (int parent_id)
int right = 2 * parent_id + 2;
if (right >= m_size)
return -1;
return right;
/* Check if heap is empty */
bool PriorityQueue::isEmpty ()
return (m_size == 0);
/* Find minimum value in Heap */
int PriorityQueue::find_minimum ()
return m_data[0];
Inserting an element in Minimum Heap
To insert an element X in the Heap
- First the element X is put in at the last place (as a leaf node) in the binary tree.
- Now, we need to find the correct place of this new node so that Heap property is satisfied.
- Element X is compared with its parent node,
- if parent is higher then nodes are swapped.
- else element X is at correct location and heap property is satisfied.
- Repeat the above step until we reach the root node or no swapping is done.
The Strategy followed to insert the node is called Percolate Up.
Let’s understand inserting an element in Minimum Heap through some examples.

Let’s have a look at the sample function to perform insertion of an element in Minimum Heap.
void PriorityQueue::insert (int data)
int hole = m_size++;
m_data[hole] = data;
percolate_up (hole);
void PriorityQueue::percolate_up (int hole)
int parent = get_parent (hole);
if (parent == -1)
if (m_data[parent] > m_data[hole])
int temp = m_data[parent];
m_data[parent] = m_data[hole];
m_data[hole] = temp;
percolate_up (parent);
Deleting an element in Minimum Heap
Deletion in a heap always happens of the root node. In case of Minimum heap, minimum node value will be deleted always. In order to delete minimum element node X in a minimum heap
- Delete the root node. After this step, heap property needs to be established again.
- Put the last element node (say Y) at the root.
- Compare the root node value (Y) to its children.
- If root node value is higher than its child having minimum value, then swap the nodes.
- Else Heap property is established.
- If any swapping of nodes is done in previous step, then repeat above step at the new position of node Y.
The strategy followed to deleting the minimum node is called Percolate Down.
Let’s understand deleting minimum element in Minimum Heap through some examples.

Let’s have a look at the sample function to perform deletion of minimum element in Minimum Heap.
int PriorityQueue::delete_minimum ()
int min_val = m_data[0];
m_data[0] = m_data[--m_size];
percolate_down (0);
return min_val;
void PriorityQueue::percolate_down (int hole)
int left = left_child (hole);
int right = right_child (hole);
int min = hole;
if (left != -1 && m_data[left] < m_data[min])
min = left;
if (right != -1 && m_data[right] < m_data[min])
min = right;
if (min != hole)
int temp = m_data[min];
m_data[min] = m_data[hole];
m_data[hole] = temp;
percolate_down (min);
Let’s have a look at the sample function which utilizes above Minimum heap class functions.
void testMinHeap ()
PriorityQueue q;
q.print_content ();
q.insert (30);
q.print_content ();
q.insert (50);
q.print_content ();
q.insert (10);
q.print_content ();
q.insert (60);
q.print_content ();
q.insert (3);
q.print_content ();
while (!q.isEmpty ())
cout << "Minimum value: " << q.find_minimum () << " Size: " << q.get_size () << endl;
q.delete_minimum ();
Let’s analyze the output of above main function.
30 50
10 50 30
10 50 30 60
3 10 30 60 50
Minimum value: 3 Size: 5
Minimum value: 10 Size: 4
Minimum value: 30 Size: 3
Minimum value: 50 Size: 2
Minimum value: 60 Size: 1