Difference Between Friend Function and Member Function

A Friend function is a function defined outside the class, but it has access to all private and protected members of the class. To declare a friend function, it’s prototype must be declared inside the class, preceding it with keyword “friend”. Check Friend Function for more information.
A Member function is a function defined in the class as a member of the function. It is usually declared inside the class definition.

Friend FunctionMember Function
These functions can be declared in multiple Classes.Member functions can be declared only in there class.
Friend function can typically access private, protected data members of multiple classes.Member function can access private, protected member of their own class.
Friend function does need to be called with any class object.Member function can only be called using class objects.
Friend function doesn’t have this pointerMember function has this pointer.
Friend keyword needs to be preceded before function declaration to define it as friend function.No such keyword needed.
Friend function can be declared in private/protected/public section of a class without affecting it’s behavior.Member functions behavior changes based on the section where it is defined.
Derived Classes doesn’t inherit friend functions.Derived classes do inherit member functions.
Friend function can’t be defined as static functions.Member functions can be defined ass static functions.

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