Connected Graph Property Explained With Simple Example

Graph is a data structure which consists of a set of vertices which is called as Node, together with a set of collection of pair of vertices which is called as an Edge.
A graph data structure can be represented as a pair (V, E) where V is a set of nodes called vertices and E is a collection of pairs of vertices called edges. Graphs are used to solve many real-life problems such as fastest ways to go from A to B etc.

A Graph is called connected graph if each of the vertices of the graph is connected from each of the other vertices which means there is a path available from any vertex to any other vertex in the Graph.

Before going ahead have a look into Graph Basics.

Let’s have a look at the example of connected Graph.

Connected graph property of a graph explained


A graph is connected or not can be find out using Depth First Search traversal method. Let’s have a look at the algorithm to find a connected graph.

  • Pick any graph node to start the traversal and push it into a Stack.
  • Pop the topmost item of the Stack, marked it as visited.
  • Push all the non-visited neighboring nodes of the popped node into the Stack.
  • Keep repeating Steps 2 and 3 until all Graph nodes are visited.
  • If there is a vertex which is still unvisited then graph is called disconnected else, it is a connected graph.

Let’s have a look at the class definition and member function definition of a Graph class.

class Graph
        int m_nodes;
        int m_edges;
        int **edges;
        bool isUndirected;
        int isConnected;

        Graph (int nodes, bool isUndirected);
        int getNumberOfNodes ();
        int getNumberOfEdges ();
        void getEdges ();
        bool addEdge (int srcNode, int dstNode);
        void BFS (int start);
        void DFS (int start);
        ~Graph ();
        bool isConnectedGraph ();
        bool printMotherVertex ();
        void topologicalSort ();
        void getEdgesIn2DFormat ();

Graph::~Graph ()
    if (!edges)
        cout << "Graph was never initializaed, nothing to free " << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
        delete [] edges[i];
    delete [] edges;

Graph::Graph (int nodes, bool isUndirected): m_nodes (nodes),
                                             m_edges (0),
                                             edges (NULL),
                                             isUndirected (isUndirected),
                                             isConnected (-1)
    edges = new int*[m_nodes];
    if (!edges)
        cout << "Graph initialization failed " << endl; 

    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
        edges[i] = new int[m_nodes];

    for (int i = 0; i < m_edges; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < m_edges; j++)
            edges[i][j] = 0;

int Graph::getNumberOfNodes ()
    return m_nodes;

int Graph::getNumberOfEdges ()
    return m_edges;

void Graph::getEdges ()
    if (!edges)
        cout << "Graph is not initialized properly " << endl; 

    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < m_nodes; j++)
            cout << "Node " << i << " and Node " << j << " edge status: " << edges[i][j] << endl;

bool Graph::addEdge (int srcNode, int dstNode)
    if (srcNode >= m_nodes || dstNode >= m_nodes)
        cout << "srcNode " << srcNode << " or dstNode " << dstNode << " is out of known max node: " << m_nodes << endl;
        return false;

    if (edges[srcNode][dstNode])
        cout << "srcNode " << srcNode << " or dstNode " << dstNode << " is already existed." << endl;
        return false;

    edges[srcNode][dstNode] = 1;
    if (isUndirected)
        edges[dstNode][srcNode] = 1;
    return true;

void Graph::getEdgesIn2DFormat ()
    cout << "Printing edges in 2D format!!" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < m_nodes; j++)
            cout << edges[i][j] << "  ";
        cout << endl;

Before going ahead, let’s have a look at Stack and Its implementation for better understanding.
Let’s have a look at the modified Depth First Traversal function to check whether a graph is connected or not.

void Graph::DFS (int start)
    cout << "Starting DFS traversing of Graph from Node: " << start << endl;
    bool visited[m_nodes] = {false};

    if (m_nodes == 0)
        cout << "There is no nodes present in Graph" << endl;

    if (start < 0)
        start = 0;

    if (start >= m_nodes)
        cout << "Graph traversal not possible as start node not found" << endl;

    Stack s(m_nodes);
    s.push (start);

    while (!s.isEmpty ())
        int visiting = s.pop ();

        if (visited[visiting])
            cout << "Graph node " << visiting << " Already visited, skipping!!!" << endl;

        visited[visiting] = true;

        cout << "Visited node: " << visiting << " in the Graph." << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
            if (edges[visiting][i] && !visited[i])
                cout << "Pushing node " << i << endl;
                s.push (i);

    /* Below code is to check whether Graph is connected or not */
    isConnected = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_nodes; i++)
        if (!visited[i])
            isConnected = 0;

    if (isConnected == -1)
        isConnected = 1;

bool Graph::isConnectedGraph ()
    if (isConnected == -1)
        DFS (0);
    return isConnected;

Let’s have a look at the main function which utilizes above functions.

void add_header (const char *line)
    cout << "========================================================================" << endl;
    cout << line << endl;
    cout << "========================================================================" << endl;

int main ()
    Graph g(5, true);
    g.addEdge (1,2);
    g.addEdge (0,2);
    g.addEdge (3,2);
    g.addEdge (4,2);
    g.addEdge (1,3);
    g.addEdge (1,4);
    g.addEdge (1,5);
    g.addEdge (1,7);
    g.addEdge (1,0);
    g.addEdge (2,2);
    g.addEdge (3,2);
    g.addEdge (4,2);
    g.addEdge (5,2);
    cout << "Graph has nodes: " << g.getNumberOfNodes () << endl;
    cout << "Graph has edges: " << g.getNumberOfEdges () << endl;
    add_header ("Printing Edges information in Adjecency Matrix Format.");
    g.getEdgesIn2DFormat ();
    add_header ("Printing DFS traversal of Graph");
    g.DFS (0);
    add_header ("Checking Graph Connected Status");
    cout << "Graph connected status: " << g.isConnectedGraph () << endl;

Let’s analyze the output of above main function.

srcNode 1 or dstNode 5 is out of known max node: 5
srcNode 1 or dstNode 7 is out of known max node: 5
srcNode 3 or dstNode 2 is already existed.
srcNode 4 or dstNode 2 is already existed.
srcNode 5 or dstNode 2 is out of known max node: 5
Graph has nodes: 5
Graph has edges: 16
Printing Edges information in Adjecency Matrix Format.
Printing edges in 2D format!!
0  1  1  0  0
1  0  1  1  1
1  1  1  1  1
0  1  1  0  0
0  1  1  0  0
Printing DFS traversal of Graph
Starting DFS traversing of Graph from Node: 0
Visited node: 0 in the Graph.
Pushing node 1
Pushing node 2
Visited node: 2 in the Graph.
Pushing node 1
Pushing node 3
Pushing node 4
Visited node: 4 in the Graph.
Pushing node 1
Visited node: 1 in the Graph.
Pushing node 3
Visited node: 3 in the Graph.
Graph node 3 Already visited, skipping!!!
Graph node 1 Already visited, skipping!!!
Graph node 1 Already visited, skipping!!!
Checking Graph Connected Status
Graph connected status: 1

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