Converting Roman number to Decimal using Interpreter design pattern

Interpreter design pattern is mainly used in compiler and other language processing programs. This design pattern used to identify various language mainly textual such as numbers, regular expression etc. This design pattern interprets every language syntax and assign a class accordingly, to do further processing.

Before going ahead have a look at Design pattern simplified version.

Converting Roman number to Decimal using Interpreter design pattern Read More

Finding number of ways to write “n” as sum of multiple smaller numbers

This problem can be solved using multiple approaches but here we will solve this problem using Dynamic Programming and showcase how dynamic programming will make the execution super-fast.

We will go through with the same steps as mentioned in Dynamic Programming post to tackle this problem step by step for better understanding.

Let’s explain the problem,

given n, find the number of different ways to write “n” as the sum of 1, 3, 4


for n = 5, the answer is 6

5 = 1+1+1+1+1

   = 1+1+3

   = 1+3+1

   = 3+1+1

   = 1+4

   = 4+1

Let’s apply the 3 Steps rule to tackle this problem.


Finding number of ways to write “n” as sum of multiple smaller numbers Read More

Dynamic Programming approach explained with simple example

Dynamic Programming is a programming technique which is used for solving complex problems by breaking it into comparatively simpler subproblems and finding the optimal solutions of the complex problems by finding the optimal solutions of these subproblems.

Even though, the name “Dynamic Programming” might scare people but actually its kind of simple if we follow some basic techniques to approach any complex problem.

Steps to tackle a problem using Dynamic Programming approach:

1) Define smaller problems from the original complex problems.

2) Solve these smaller problems using recursion.

3) Use smaller problems results to solve the bigger complex problem.


Dynamic Programming approach explained with simple example Read More

Heap sort explained with simple example

Heap sort is one of the fastest sorting algorithm, which works on Divide and Conquer algorithm. In this sorting algorithm, all the data elements are inserted into a heap (max or min) and then removes item from the root of the heap will give the sorted(descending or ascending) data list.

1) Faster algorithm and best performance O(nlogn).
2) Simple implementation.
3) No extra space is needed.
4) Good for cases to find biggest/smallest or top k biggest/smallest element finding kind of scenarios.

1) Not a stable sort means position of relative identical data items is not guaranteed.


Heap sort explained with simple example Read More

Quick sort explained with simple example

Quick sort is one of the fastest sorting algorithm, which works on Divide and Conquer algorithm. In this sorting algorithm, an element is picked as a pivot element and list is divided into sub-lists around the pivot element. These divided sub-lists finally sorted into which results into sorted initial list.

1) Faster algorithm and best performance O(nlogn) is for worst distribution case scenario.
2) Simple implementation due to recursive nature.
3) No extra space is needed.

1) Worst case scenario performance is O(n*n).
2) Not good for Linked list kind of sorting data where memory is not contiguous.


Quick sort explained with simple example Read More

Merge sort explained with simple example

Merge sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithm, which works on Divide and Conquer algorithm. In this sorting algorithm, input data is divided into two halves/sublist which then acts as input data and furthur divided into two halves so that finally every sublist contains a single element. Finally, these sublists are merged in sorted order which results into sorted data.

1) Simple algorithm and hence efficient for small list of data.
2) Good for sorting data represented in Linked list.
3) This algorithm is stable (performance is equal in all cases) and insensitive to the distribution of initial data.

1) Extra space needed in O(n).


Merge sort explained with simple example Read More

Selection sort explained with simple example

Selection sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithm, which traverse through the list, picks the minimum item from the unsorted list and place it in its place in the final sorted list.
This sorting algorithm contains (n – 1) traversal.

1) Simple algorithm and hence efficient for small list of data.
2) No extra memory needed.
3) Good for cases when list is almost sorted (only few misplaced items).
4) Very less number of swap operation(O(n)), as in every pass only 1 swap of data is needed at max.

1) Very slow algorithm. Not good for very large set of data.


Selection sort explained with simple example Read More

Insertion sort explained with simple example

Insertion sort is one of simplest sorting algorithm which traverse through the list, picking one item at a time and place it in its place in the final sorted list. This sorting algorithm contains (n – 1) traversal.

1) Simple algorithm and hence efficient for small list of data.
2) No extra memory needed.
3) Good for cases when list is almost sorted (only few misplaced items).

1) Very slow algorithm. Not good for very large set of data.


Insertion sort explained with simple example Read More

Bubble sort explained with simple example

Bubble sort is one of the simplest sorting algorithm which traverse through the list, compares items at adjacent places, and swaps them to make list sorted. After every pass of list one or more item is placed at its correct position. If in a pass, no swaps are performed then it means list becomes sorted.

1) Simple algorithm.
2) No extra memory needed.
3) Good for cases when list is almost sorted (only few misplaced items).

1) Very slow algorithm. Not good for very large set of data.


Bubble sort explained with simple example Read More