C++11: Override and Final keyword

The explicit override and final keywords in C++11 (Introduction to C++11) enhances the polymorphism capabilities of C++. These new features provide extra control over virtual functions to the programmer. In this post, we will discuss about these new features and their usage.


The explicit override keyword overrides the marked virtual function in derived class as override version of base class virtual functions. This ensures that the overrides are done by the programmer intentionally which reduces the chances of unwanted mistakes by providing clarity and hence improves the code readability and maintainability.

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C++11: Uniform Initialization explained with Simple example

In C++11 (Introduction to C++11), “Uniform initialization” syntax is introduced to initialize variables which provides a consistent syntax for all types of data variables initialization. This syntax is defined for all types of objects, arrays etc. In this post we are focusing on Uniform initialization syntax with some coding examples.

Earlier there were multiple ways to initialize variables. For example: basic data type variables could be initialized using assignment operator whereas class objects could be initialized using a constructor.

In C++11, a uniform way of initializing variables is introduced which is called “Uniform Initialization” syntax.

Let’s have a look at the sample code example to understand the usage of uniform initialization.

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C++11: Initializer Lists Explained with Simple Example

In C++11 (Introduction to C++11), Initializer lists are a major addition to the C++ language. In this post we are focusing on Initializer lists with some coding examples.

To understand Initializer lists, we need to first understand the constructors. Constructors are special member functions of a class which is used to initialize the object in desired way. Constructors has the same name as that of class. There could be multiple constructors defined in a class which could be selected based on invoking conditions.

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Smart Pointers Explained With Simple Example

Standard library included with C++ compilers provides some specific resource management pointers classes which are also called as Smart Pointers.

A normal (raw) pointer typically points to an object, but it doesn’t indicate who owns the objects. This leads to the confusion most of the times, that who is supposed to delete the pointer and free the memory.
Also, by looking into the pointer, one can’t guess how the pointer should be deleted.

Smart pointers are designed to overcome these shortcomings of raw pointers.

Types of Smart Pointers

  • unique_ptr -> This pointer class has the exclusive ownership.
  • shared_ptr -> This pointer class has the shared ownership.
  • weak_ptr -> This pointer class is used with shared_ptr and it doesn’t have any ownership. This pointer is typically used to break loops into circular data structures.
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C++11: extern template Explained With Simple Example

In C++11 (Introduction to C++11), extern template is added to optimize the compile time and object size. Earlier C++ compiler (C++ 03) instantiate a template function or class whenever it encounters a fully defined template function or class. If the template is used in multiple files, then compiler must create multiple instances of template function or class only to later discard all the instance but one. This would result in extra compile time and increased object file size. In C++ 03 there was no way to avoid this.

In C++11, extern template feature is introduced to avoid this situation.
Format of extern template is as follows

extern template void DemoTemplateFunction <int> ();
extern template class NUM <type>;
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constexpr explained with simple example

In C++11(Introduction to C++11), constexpr is added which improves the run-time performance of the code as it allows the compiler to compute the associated code at compile time if possible. constexpr specifier can be used with both variables and functions where only constant expressions are used which can be evaluated at compile time.

Few important points:

  1. A constexpr function return type and argument type must be literal types.
  2. A constexpr function cannot be virtual but it can be recursive.
  3. A constexpr function cannot have uninitialized variables. Till C++11 it can have only one return statement while from C++14 it can have more than one return statement.
  4. Any variable can be declared as constexpr, if it is initialized. In case of constructor initialization, the constructor also must be declared as constexpr.
  5. constexpr can also be used with references if the referenced object is initialized.
  6. Any constexpr function can only call other constexpr functions.
  7. constexpr function can also be used with non-const variables. No need to define two different functions for same.


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Move Assignment Operator explained with simple example

In C++11 (Introduction to C++11) , move assignment operator are added which can improve any code’s performance drastically. Typically a move assignment operator is same as copy/move constructor but before reusing the memory blocks from passed object, it releases all the memory which is owned by this object. Since, memory reallocation is avoided in case of move assignment operators. Thus it gives better performance.

However while implementing move assignment operators we need to take care of one important point to ensure that the original object can be correctly destroyed.

Let’s take an example to see how this memory reallocation is avoided in case of move assignment.


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std::move explained with simple example

std::move is a C++11(Introduction to C++11) utility function which is used to convert an lvalue to rvalue expression to forcefully call the move constructor or move assignment operator which will improve the program’s performance drastically. This utility function is only change lvalue into rvalue expression that’s it. This function doesn’t do any kind of memory movement.

Implementation of this function is as follows:

From C++11 onwards:

template< class T >
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& move( T&& t );

From C++14 onwards:

template< class T >
constexpr typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& move( T&& t );

Let’s take an example of usage of this move function:

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Move Constructors explained with simple example

In C++11 (Introduction to C++11) , move constructors are added which can improve any code’s performance drastically. Typically a move constructor is same as copy constructor which will create a new instance based on the passed object. But, the idea behind move constructor is to avoid memory reallocation and use as many memory from the passed original object because the original object is about to be deleted as it has been provided as a temporary object.

Since, in move constructors we avoid memory reallocation while creating new instance while will improve the code’s performance as we know memory allocation is quite costly.
While implementing move constructors we need to take care of one important point to ensure that the original object can be correctly destroyed.

Let’s take an example to see how this memory reallocation is avoided in case of move constructor.


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Rvalue References

Before understanding about this new feature “Rvalue references” of C++11(Introduction to C++11), we should first understand what is lvalue and rvalue in C++.

Typically Lvalue is an expression which returns a permanent memory address which can be assigned to any variables. For ex:

int x = 10;
int y;
y = 20;

Here both x and y are lvalues. In some cases, we can have functions also as lvalue as shown in below example:

int x;  // global variable

// Returning reference to global variable x
int& getXRef()
    return x;

getXRef() = 30;

Now this function can act as lvalue too as shown above.


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